
A trust can be a useful device for passing assets out of one person’s estate without them passing directly to another person.

In most people’s minds trusts are thought to be confusing, complex and costly. However, they can be simple to establish and may cost less than you might imagine.  Trusts can be created either by Will or during lifetime.

A trust can be a halfway house between owning assets in your name and transferring them outright to someone else. In this way a trust can provide an excellent combination of control, security and flexibility.

You can transfer assets into the trust but still retain a considerable amount of control by appointing yourself as a trustee together with other trusted family members (or a professional person if you wish).

Some benefits of using trusts - flexibility, control and security

  • Control over asset distribution: Trusts allow you to specify how and when your assets are distributed to beneficiaries.
  • Asset protection: Trusts can protect assets from creditors and where there are concerns about the possibility of divorce or bankruptcy of family members.
  • Tax efficiency: Certain trusts can provide tax advantages, reducing inheritance tax liabilities and mitigating other taxes.
  • Privacy: Trusts can help keep your financial affairs private, as they do not go through probate.
  • Second families: to benefit the children from a previous relationship.


Download our Wills and Estate Planning Guide

Our Trust services
  • Trust creation: Drafting of new trusts
  • Appointment and removal of trustees; deeds of appointment and retirement
  • Registration of trusts; with the Trust Registration Service
  • Completion of relevant tax returns; including the IHT100
  • Trust administration; acting on behalf of the trustees
  • Trust review service; what does the trust mean and does anything need to be done


For more information or to speak with an expert about trusts, contact us today.

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