Legal Information

Limited Liability Partnership

On 1st April 2021 Awdry Bailey & Douglas converted to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). On that date we became Awdry Bailey & Douglas LLP.

As from 1st April any reference to Awdry Bailey & Douglas will mean Awdry Bailey & Douglas LLP which was registered at Companies House on 16th December 2020 with number OC434696. 

On 25th April 2023, the firm changed name at Companies House to Awdry Law LLP.  From 1st June 2023 we will be trading as Awdry Law.

What changed?

This change should not affect you on a day to day basis. The main difference is that the legal relationship between us and our clients is now with Awdry Law LLP instead of with Awdry Bailey & Douglas LLP (which replaced Awdry Bailey & Douglas on 1st April 2021 when the firm converted to LLP status).

The LLP has taken over the conduct of and is now responsible for all clients’ legal work and therefore any existing contracts with our clients for the provision of legal services has been assigned to the LLP. Any Terms of Business between our clients and this firm should therefore be deemed to be amended accordingly.

There will be no change to our dedication and commitment to provide the best possible service and to maintain the highest professional standards. There has also been no change in personnel as a result of the conversion and if we are currently instructed by you the same people will look after your work.

Our Professional Indemnity Insurance was renewed in the name of the LLP on the 1st April. We will continue to be regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority who approved our application to convert to an LLP. The firm has a new SRA number which is 815122.

Our bank, client account number and sort code have not changed.

Our existing partnership business transferred to the LLP in its entirety, which means that all client files, legal responsibility and confidential information were transferred to Awdry Bailey & Douglas LLP on 1st April 2021.

If you have any questions about this change please do not hesitate to contact us.


We use the word Partner to refer to any Members of the LLP, or any employee who is a lawyer of equivalent standing. Upon request we will provide you with a list of LLP Members (the business owners) and a list of people who have the title of Partner but are not Members. As a Limited Liability Partnership no personal liability attaches to any Member or Partner.

Website Disclaimer

The materials on this website do not constitute legal advice and are provided for general information purposes only. We shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions nor for the content or information provided in this website or linked to it.

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