Pre-Nuptial Agreements – An insurance policy?

Pre-Nups can attract bad press, often considered the preserve of the rich & famous, unromantic & suggesting lack of commitment to the marriage.

However did you know that they can provide:

  • Clarity
  • Certainty
  • Minimise acrimony in subsequent divorce
  • Save on future legal costs
  • Protect assets
  • Protect business partners

Increasingly I am being asked to advise on pre-nups. Often clients are marrying or re-marrying later in life & are bringing wealth into the marriage accrued previously & this can cause concern & friction within the family. A pre-nup can allay such difficulties.

Although not binding on the Court, a Pre-Nuptial Agreement entered into freely by the parties, who have each received independent legal advice will usually be upheld, unless it would be fundamentally unfair to do so. There are stringent rules regarding the preparation of a Pre-Nup & you will need to engage legal representation.

If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us for an initial, no obligation consultation.
