Our Managing Partner’s Statement for International Women’s Day.

We are on a journey… but let’s not use that as a cop-out and think that this should be a focus for another day… it’s about the here and now.

It is quite personal to talk about, but certain women have played an instrumental role in shaping me as a human. I adored both of my grandmothers. Gran David seemed “quite old” to me when I was nipper, but I always thought that she was formidable. Professionally, she was a schoolteacher, but often had to relocate schools, because of my grandfather’s work as a prison officer. Bearing in mind that this was in the 1940s and 50s, I think the fortitude that she possessed was immense. After her passing, stories were often told of her walking several miles to get to school to fulfil her duties as a teacher, only then to walk back home after the working day, to care for her young family.

Then there was Gran Jose…an absolute legend. She was like a second mother to me growing up…and again…what a story she had to say. Gran Jose was born and bred in Belgium. At the end of the Second World War, she relocated to Swansea, Wales, to be with her husband who was from that area. She could not speak a word of English (nor Welsh!), but she was absolutely adamant to make it her home. She literally had no support network; no family; no friends. She succeeded in her ambition to make Wales her family’s home and she soon became fluent in the spoken and written word of the English language. She never quite mastered Welsh!

And then of course, there was my mother. My mam was an incredibly strong character, thoroughly determined and devoutly loyal. Family was everything to her. Providing she thought that my ambitions and dreams harboured at least a hint of sensibleness, she would always back me in the widest sense. She would support me as best she could and provide great encouragement, instilling in me that it is surprising what is possible if you show unwavering commitment, work hard and believe in oneself.

And so, for the avoidance of doubt, I stand squarely behind and in support of the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in the widest sense, and of course in the workplace. 

In a world, which at times, seems full of conflict, fractures and inequality, it’s paramount that Awdry Law, as a business, and the wonderful individuals that actually define and make up the organisation, does what it can to make a proper and material difference. We alone, may not change the world, but if every person and every organisation took a similar stance, then we have to believe, don’t we, that the world will be a better place?

As I touched upon at the outset, we are on a journey and by no means am I or Awdry Law the finished article. I hope it will be the case that there will be true equality during my working life across all sectors, but perhaps it will be a lifetime’s work, but we move forward and take action; we don’t just talk.

As a profession, it’s been quite a journey since 1919, when the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act was passed, before which time women weren’t allowed to become Magistrates, Jurors, Solicitors or admitted to the Inns of Court; almost unbelievable, but there you have it. We’ve come a long way, but there remains work to be done.

Awdry Law have embraced the Women’s Empowerment Principles established by UN Women and UN Global Compact. We have also created a Sustainable Development Group, which has been born out of the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To make an impact, we have chosen to focus on five of the goals set out by the UN, and one of the goals we have chosen, is in fact, Gender Equality. We have set “work targets” and also “world targets”, which we hope will have a positive impact, not only for Awdry Law and its people, but also for the communities that surround us.

Half of our Leadership Team are women. Three-eighths of our Partners are women, and I can see that balance shifting in the future; watch this space. Gender equality really shouldn’t need commercial justification! However, I am prepared to go there if it helps in any way with changing mindsets. In a sector which is notoriously difficult to truly differentiate oneself from competitors, why wouldn’t an organisation really embrace and harness the strengths and advantages that different perspectives and diversity provides? The organisation will win, of that there is no doubt.

On a purely selfish note, what goes around comes around, and I find myself in the position of having two amazing daughters, aged 11 and 9. Their positive approach and enthusiasm for life blows me away each and every day and I want them to grow up in a world in which they are treated the same as everybody else and that they have the same opportunities on the basis of their skills and capabilities, and that their gender is an irrelevance.  I hope they grow up with the resilience, fortitude and characteristics that my grandmothers and mother possessed, and of course those traits which are also found in my formidable wife, who is, after all, their mother! I’d say there is a fair chance.

– Alexander David, Managing Partner at Awdry Law
