
When buying land, it is vital to have a full understanding of any restrictions on the use to which it can be put.
When buying land, it is vital to have a full understanding of any restrictions on the use to which it can be put.
What do solicitors do? There's so much information about family law and the options can be overwhelming. Arbitration, mediation, private FDR’s, round-table meetings – the important question is what will work best for you?
On a breakdown of a relationship, it is not just the parents who suffer, but the children as well. They can be confused, not understanding what is happening, why there are arguments and why a parent is leaving home.
As both an employer and employee, it is important that you are aware of the annual rate changes in employment law, so you can ensure that the appropriate rates are being paid.
When parents separate their primary concern will be to ensure the wellbeing of their children and to support them through the separation and divorce process.
It is often said that if you live with someone for a period of time, then a “common law marriage” may exist – this is a MYTH!
What are your maternity rights as an employee? Find out more here...
Pre-Nups can attract bad press, often considered the preserve of the rich & famous, unromantic & suggesting lack of commitment to the marriage.
People often associate age discrimination with older employees being treated less favourably than their younger colleagues.
Have you separated and left finances in limbo? Please be aware of how the delay could impact upon your future.
Choosing the right type of mortgage can be time consuming but it is time well spent. There are two decisions that need to be made early on...