
When making a will, it is vital to remember your obligations to family members and others who depend upon you financially.
When a loved one passes away it can be very daunting knowing what the next steps are in dealing with their estate.
We offer an initial free appointment in order to help you with relationship planning whether by way of a cohabitation agreement, pre-nuptial agreement, and childcare arrangements or in respect of relationship breakdown.
In a head-turning case, an owner of a flat lease whose home reduced in value when the use of the commercial premises beneath him was changed from an estate agency to a bar and restaurant was awarded six-figure compensation.
The difference between a binding contract and an agreement in principle, subject to further negotiation, could hardly be more important.
An Attorney is the person who you appoint in your Lasting Power of Attorney (legal document) to make decisions to do with your health and/or finances on your behalf, in the event you are unable to do so.
It is a sad fact that many people lose their ability to make rational decisions in old age and that is why it is so vital to make a professionally drafted will before time catches up with you.
In an unusual High Court case, a farm contracting business was left rudderless by the demise of its founder.
Love-bombing usually (not always) occurs at the start of a relationship. This is evidenced when one person is over-affectionate, over compliments, buys lavish or expensive gifts, and wants to be with you all the time or have “check in texts”.
One secret of a happy life is to get on well with your neighbours and taking legal advice is often the best way of defusing rows before they get out of hand.
One of the grounds for contesting a will is that it has not been validly executed in accordance with the formalities required under the Wills Act 1837.
Many homes or businesses are only accessible via neighbours’ land and that can prove fertile ground for dispute. However, as a High Court case showed, expert lawyers are adept at ensuring their clients’ unhindered use of rights of way.