
Commercial landlords and tenants may contract out of the security of tenure provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, but only if certain conditions are met.
We understand that when a loved one has passed away it can be a very uncertain time and it’s often difficult to know what to do next.
Keeping agricultural land in the family is very important for many tenant farmers.
To put civil partnerships into context cohabitation is the fastest growing family setup with 3.4 million people in the UK choosing to live together.
The thorny issue of how cohabitation might affect a divorce settlement...
Pressure on the housing market has led to the conversion of many redundant office buildings into flats and the number of such projects is likely to be greatly increased by shifting work patterns brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moving in together is an exciting time in any relationship. However, legally there are a number of issues that need to be considered.
Whilst love blossoms between cohabiting couples, questions as to who owns what may not seem to matter very much. As a High Court ruling showed, however, any lack of clarity in that respect can store up serious trouble for the future.
Entering into a lease, whether commercial or residential, without taking legal advice is, to say the least, highly unwise.
Did you pop the question this Valentine’s Day? Congratulations, now is the perfect time to think about having a conversation about a prenuptial agreement with your partner.
If you are having to deal with separation this New Year, try not to worry.  At Awdry Law we offer a sympathetic ear and a free initial consultation, where we can explore all your options in order to help you find practical solutions.
If you have no spouse, children or other dependants you might think there is little point in making a Will. However, as a High Court case showed, any such assumption would be seriously wrong...