
A frequent misconception shared by many unmarried couples who are thinking about living together is that they have some protection under “Common Law” marriage.
“If I divorce or separate, I can transfer an asset like property, or investments to my spouse without paying any tax….They are exempt from tax, aren’t they?”
Before you begin any form of property development it is absolutely vital to seek a lawyer’s confirmation that you are entitled to proceed.
Loved ones who place properties in their joint names may not give any thought to the legal consequences of doing so.
Family relationships can be red in tooth and claw and appointing relatives, rather than a professional, as executors of your will can prove a costly mistake.
Landlords can be forgiven for not knowing what notice to send to a Tenant, what Grounds under the Housing Act 1988 to use, and more importantly what period of notice they have to give according to which Ground they are seeking to rely upon.
Continuity planning is a normal part of business life, and a key part of the planning process is to set out what should happen if you become unable to make decisions yourself.
Separating from your partner can be very difficult, and it’s often a time of great upheaval for everyone involved, particularly if you have children.
If you are making a Will it is important to consider who you should appoint as an executor. There can be a lot of paperwork and legal or financial issues to deal with at a very difficult time.
Is it really true an employment tribunal judge ruled that it’s ok to go to the pub whilst off sick from work? A clarification by Head of Litigation and Employment at Awdry Law – Rachel Fereday.
The blaming of one party within the divorce process is finally coming to an end and the Government has committed to introduce this on 6th April 2022.
In order for a person to be viewed as disabled in an employment law context, they must suffer from a physical or mental impairment that is both substantial and ‘long term’