
Workplaces should have a fair and transparent procedure for bringing grievances or initiating disciplinary action.
Where there is ill feeling within families, many elderly people understandably fear that their death will signal the outbreak of an increased chance of conflict.
Moving home is an exciting time, but amidst all the excitement it is important to stay organised when planning your move.
Sixty per cent of British businesses have seen an increase in hybrid working since the COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s widely recognised that if you fail to make a professionally drafted will, you can potentially store up trouble for your loved ones after you are gone.
Following recovery from the immediate effects of COVID-19, a substantial number of people have gone on to suffer from ‘long Covid’
With the ever-increasing cost of living and property prices it is increasingly common for parents to seek to assist their children in flying the nest and moving in with a partner.
Redundancies can give rise to claims for unfair dismissal and in order to avoid this, employers need to be aware of certain legal traps.
Since ‘no fault divorce’ became law in April 2022 there has been an increase in the number of applications for divorce. This is largely because the so called “blame game” has ended.
It is commonplace for parents to put their hands in their pockets to help their children set up in business.
You’ve made the decision to separate and have addressed a wide range of issues which you need to agree upon in order to move forward.  One of the main aspects to be clear upon is your financial position within the marriage and in particular pensions.
A High Court ruling strikingly showed that saving the modest expense of having your will professionally drafted may come at a frightful emotional and financial cost to your loved ones after you are gone.