You’ve made the decision to separate and may feel overwhelmed at the issues to be addressed to enable you both to move forward. One of the main aspects to consider is your financial position further to the relationship ending, and in particular, pensions.
It is important to ensure that you have a clear picture as to your partner’s financial position. This will then enable you to consider what financial agreement is fair. Many people think this just involves sorting out arrangements with the house. The Court, however, looks at the whole financial position, to include pensions.
Often when separating, couples do not realise that they can share the pension of their partner or that they will be expected to share pensions. In a number of cases, this is important, for example when one person has a more valuable pension than their partner i.e. if one party doesn’t work or works part-time.
Pensions are a really important asset when considering income on retirement and must not be overlooked. There are also different types of pension schemes with public sector pensions having additional benefits which need to be valued.
In some cases, it will be important to ask a pension expert relevant questions so as to determine the options available. This will then give you a clear picture to enable you to make an informed decision.
At Awdry Law our team of highly qualified, friendly legal experts will advise you if a report is needed and this will reflect, the type of pension and other relevant factors particular to your needs. There is a cost, and it will take time but wouldn’t you prefer to know the options before making decisions.
If you have any questions or if we can help in any way regarding any Family Law matter, please contact a member of our knowledgeable and highly experienced Family Law team today to arrange your free initial consultation.
“I’m a business owner going through a divorce, can my spouse make a claim on my business?” If this is something you are concerned about, then read our latest article to find out how we can help you.
If you and your ex-partner entered into a Separation Agreement prior to Divorce Proceedings, it is essential that you ensure that the Agreement is reflected in a Financial Consent Order sealed by the Court.
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