Upon returning to live in Wiltshire, I joined Awdry Law in January 2007, initially as a Litigation Lawyer and have been a Family Lawyer since 2012. I have worked in several of the firm’s office and in Chippenham since 2019. I became the Office Manager in 2021.
I enjoy the personal and bespoke nature of my work. I appreciate that the breakdown of a relationship is an extremely difficult and uncertain time for many and making a difference to my clients is very important to me.
I am lucky to work in a department with experienced and knowledgeable colleagues. The nature of our work can be challenging and we all support each other very well.
My role as Office Manager is more operational and provides a valuable insight into the work of the other departments within the firm and how we interact with our clients and community. Everyone in the Chippenham office makes it a friendly and enjoyable place to work.
Awdry Law have always supported me in developing my career and have provided flexible working hours to facilitate my family responsibilities, especially when my children were young.