Be aware- Joint Applications – No Fault Divorce

Since the new rules for divorce were introduced on 6 April 2022 parties have been able to make an application jointly for divorce to promote amicable separation.

Whilst we promote and support this, we wanted to make sure you are aware that while a final divorce order ends the marriage, it does not dismiss financial claims that each of you have against the other.

It is important that you consider your financial position further to the relationship coming to an end so that you can consider what is fair and negotiate an agreement. The agreement then needs to be turned into a Consent Order which is binding on both parties and approved by a Judge.

If your agreement is not legally binding, a court cannot enforce it if there are any issues later.

A consent order is a legal document that confirms your agreement. It explains how you’re going to divide up assets like:

– Pensions
– Property
– Savings
– Investments
– It can also include arrangements for maintenance payments, including child maintenance.

If you would like further advice about separation, divorce or financial settlements, we are here to help.

Click here to contact a member of our highly experienced, friendly Family Law team to arrange your free initial consultation and together we can help you begin to move forward and look to the future.
