Awdry Law visit Sheldon School in Chippenham

Awdry Law visit Sheldon School in Chippenham to talk to students about the different routes and careers in law…

Awdry Law, who rebranded from Awdry Bailey & Douglas in June 2023, hosted a lunchtime careers pop-up at Sheldon school in Chippenham. This was an opportunity to talk to students about the different routes and careers in law, allowing those who may be interested in a legal career to ask questions to experts in their field.

The pop-up was hosted by Fran Nash, a Family Lawyer and Jessica Woolfenden, a Solicitor from the firms Wills, Tax & Probate team. Both work in Awdry Law’s Chippenham office, which is located in Chippenham Market Place.

Fran Nash commented “I thoroughly enjoyed attending Sheldon School and speaking to students who were eager to learn about careers in the legal profession. The students were a credit to the school and were polite, motivated, and asked insightful and thoughtful questions, which was brilliant to see. I think it is great that schools like Sheldon School are taking the initiative to offer opportunities for students to learn more about what they may like to do when they leave school.”

Jessica Woolfenden added “At Awdry Law, we thoroughly enjoy opportunities to get out in the local community of Chippenham and attending local schools is a fantastic way to inspire students who have an interest in law, but also to encourage students who may not have considered this career path and demonstrate to them that there are many ways into a legal profession.”

“The pathways to qualification hand-out we gave to students detailed firstly the different areas of law, highlighting that it isn’t a one-size fits all profession and there are different options to fit various skill-sets and interests. Similarly, there are many pathways that students can take to qualify as a lawyer or Solicitor, beyond the more traditional route of studying at university, this includes apprenticeship routes, training contracts and CILEX routes. Many of the lawyers and Solicitors at Awdry Law have taken non-traditional routes and had very successful careers.”

“We also highlighted to students that legal career opportunities extend further than working directly in law or as a lawyer and there are other careers within a law firm that may be of interest, including; Legal Secretaries, Receptionists, Personal Assistants, Accounts, IT, HR and Marketing teams.”

Sheldon School commented “Thank you to Awdry Law for another brilliant Lunchtime Careers pop-up. We really appreciate local businesses taking the time to speak to our students about work experience opportunities and career options.”

If any other local schools would be interested in having the Awdry Law team visit and talk to students about legal careers or attend careers days, please contact E:
