About Us

A positive, “can do” attitude lies at the heart of our approach to delivering exceptional client service.

This active, dynamic approach is a reflection of the culture and ethos of the firm where strong technical ability is combined with a deep seated commitment to driving things forward and helping our clients to succeed.

The three main characteristics of our approach are:


We are a friendly, helpful and down to earth bunch of people here at Awdry Law. We know from the feedback from our clients that they appreciate the human side of how we do business. Legal work is ultimately about people and their concerns, aspirations, worries and ambitions so you will find that everyone here has a genuine interest in you and what you want to achieve.


Positive means being on the ball, being prompt and proactive and thinking ahead. We are here to help you succeed. Our aim is to move your work forward with the minimum of fuss and delay. We think about the service experience from your point of view and are committed to being organised, helpful and dynamic.


Good lawyers are relentlessly focused on finding solutions and this means having an ability to simplify and bring a sense of direction to complex and challenging issues. We recruit smart people who can find the best legal solutions. Business awareness, creative thinking and common sense also have a larger part to play in this than many people realise.

Find out more.

In 2015 the United Nations introduced the Sustainable Development Goals. These are 17 goals which countries, companies and individuals can strive towards to create a more sustainable future.

We are thrilled to announce that we have developed a Sustainable Development Group who will initially focus on five goals which have been chosen by us all at Awdry Law. The Group will be responsible for organising, implementing and achieving targets, to improve both our work and our world. This will be a real team effort, with many across the firm eager to be involved, as well as supporting the local community and businesses.

The 17 goals are set out below, with the 5 goals we are currently working towards outlined. Each goal will then have ‘work’ and ‘world’ targets. The work targets will focus on improving our everyday work lives and have a positive impact on our employees. Our ‘world’ targets would look towards improving our communities and slightly larger scale achievements.”


Our Goals & Targets.

Goal 13 - Climate Action

WORK TARGET = Collections of less recycled items.

WORK TARGET = Establishing discounts with local businesses to encourage employees to shop local.

WORK TARGET = Water meters and water saving items installed in each office.

WORLD TARGET = Tree Planting, River Cleanups and Litter Picking volunteering.

Goal 2 - No Poverty

WORK TARGET = Quarterly food bank collections.

WORK TARGET = Book swap and donations in each office.

WORK TARGET = Annual clothing and other item collections for charity shops.

WORLD TARGET = Volunteering for local homeless shelters and potential ‘sleep-out’ fundraiser.

Goal 5 - Gender Equality

WORK TARGET = Become part of the Women in Law Pledge.

WORK TARGET = Enhanced business development opportunities for women.

WORK TARGET = Adopted the Women Empowerment Principles.

WORLD TARGET = Domestic violence training for staff and fundraiser for Fear Free.

Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

WORK TARGET = Clean energy provider for our offices. Free approved button check vector

WORK TARGET = Salary sacrifice schemes to help employees with the cost of living

WORK TARGET = Work towards being carbon neutral.

WORLD TARGET = Attendance at Green Tech Conference for innovative ideas.

Good Health and Well-Being





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Lasting Powers of Attorneys – why you should be making them now

Creating Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is important for anyone over the age of 18. Here’s why you should make your Lasting Powers of Attorney now and why you should consider working with a solicitor.